"Connect Home" explores personal development beyond homeownership
Today I had the opportunity to meet up with a small group to discuss our emotions. As we all know, emotions are a tough topic to discuss;...

#25ReasonsWeBuild: Because this home is a sanctuary
After two decades, Helen Rodenburg’s home is chock full of fond memories. One thing especially sticks out for Helen, though: congregating...

A big welcome to our new AmeriCorps National Members!
This week we're welcoming two new AmeriCorps National members to our team. Zach Payne and Jorge Lehman-Gonzalez will act as Construction...

#25ReasonsWeBuild: To stay in the community where we built our family
Like all Habitat homeowners, Stephanie and Ignacio literally helped build their home. Together they contributed hundreds of hours of...

Welcome home to our Wonderland Creek families!
Our four Wonderland Creek families closed on their homes on Friday, July 5 and moved in on Saturday, July 6. These families have...

#25ReasonsWeBuild: Because Habitat homes lay the foundation for our community
Kathy Wegner knew years ago that she and her husband, Bob, would someday move to Boulder. “It had to be at least fifteen, twenty years...

Featured Partner: Thrivent Financial
Thrivent Financial has partnered with Habitat for Humanity affiliates around the world - including Flatirons Habitat - since 2005 as part...

AmeriCorps Alum Steve Hinson #GetsThingsDone for Flatirons Habitat
AmeriCorps Week is a celebration of all things AmeriCorps – the people and programs who have committed to "Get Things Done" in thousands...

AmeriCorps Members #GetThingsDone for Flatirons Habitat
AmeriCorps Week is a celebration of all things AmeriCorps – the people and programs who have committed to "Get Things Done" in thousands...

Jenny Ray: I build for the people in my community
Jenny Ray understand first-hand what a difference that homeownership - and the community that comes with it - can make. That's why she l