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Featured Partner: Thrivent Financial

Thrivent Financial has partnered with Habitat for Humanity affiliates around the world - including Flatirons Habitat - since 2005 as part of a unique partnership called Thrivent Builds. Thrivent Builds highlights and merges the common ground found in the missions of both Thrivent Financial and Habitat for Humanity. Part of Thrivent's purpose is to help people make wise money choices and provide them with opportunities to make a difference where they live and work. Habitat's vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. The collaboration between Thrivent and Habitat helps families build the foundation for their successful futures.

Thrivent Builds partners directly with Flatirons Habitat to advance our mission of creating affordable housing opportunities for residents of Boulder and Broomfield Counties. Thrivent works with Flatirons Habitat in multiple ways.

First, Thrivent allows members to enroll in the Thrivent Choice Program and designate funds directly to Habitat for Humanity. Each year, these contributions help finance home construction and repair projects in our communities.

Thrivent Financial also awards grants to Habitat affiliates through three programs: Thrivent Builds Homes, Thrivent Builds Repairs, and Thrivent Builds Worldwide. Each of these programs help Habitat affiliates fulfill aspects of their mission to improve communities and change lives. Flatirons Habitat was awarded a Thrivent Builds Homes grant in 2016. This generous contribution funded the construction of an affordable home at Wonderland Creek. This spring, Habitat homeowners Stephanie and Ignacio will move into this home, which is just blocks from Ignacio's job and their six-year-old daughter's elementary school.

Thrivent has continued to support Flatirons Habitat with a new grant for the Palo Park project. Thrivent is supporting 50 percent of a unit and challenging the local faith community to match the other half of the costs. Together, Thrivent and local churches will partner to create an affordable home ownership opportunity for a family in Boulder.

Flatirons Habitat also partners closely with the local Thrivent Financial offices, particularly the Flatirons Group office. The local Thrivent offices regularly supports Habitat for Humanity events and coordinates members volunteering on the build site.

This year, Flatirons Habitat is excited to partner with Thrivent for an additional project - a Big Build which will bring 250 volunteers from Colorado and around the world to secure adequate housing in Vietnam. Sponsored through Thrivent Builds Worldwide, Big Builds around the world help build strength, stability, self-reliance, and shelter where it is needed most.

Flatirons Habitat is grateful for Thrivent Financial’s continued support, and their dedication to broadening access to safe, decent, and affordable housing, and all the benefits that come hand-in-hand with homeownership. Click here to learn more about the Thrivent-Flatirons Habitat partnership and how you can get involved.

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Mailing Address:

Flatirons Habitat for Humanity

5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201

Boulder CO 80303




6650 W 120th Unit A-1

Broomfield, CO 80020

(303) 404-2008


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