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Featured Volunteer: Mary furthers Flatirons Habitat's mission on the build site

Mary said that volunteering after she entered retirement gave her the “illusion of being helpful.” But like all Habitat volunteers, Mary is making a very real difference.

Her journey with Habitat for Humanity began in Minnesota in the 80s. She volunteered occasionally, but said that she contributed enough of her time to know she enjoyed the work.

When Mary moved to Colorado 16 years ago, she quickly became aware of the increased cost of living in the Boulder area. She said that she has seen a lot of homelessness, and sees how Habitat prevents others from becoming homeless by providing access to affordable housing.

The “hand-up, not a hand-out” nature of Habitat for Humanity really resonates with Mary. She said sweat equity is one of the most meaningful aspects of Habitat’s work.

“Once you’ve helped build your house, it will mean so much more than if it’s just given to you,” she said.

With an appreciation for the organization’s work and mission, she said it was an easy decision to begin volunteering with Flatirons Habitat for Humanity more regularly once she retired three years ago. What began as volunteering once or twice a month soon transformed into working on the build sites once a week.

Mary is one of our most regular volunteers and has been an asset to the completion of many Habitat homes. She was recognized as one of FHFH’s Volunteers of the Month in April for her hard work and unwavering dedication.

One thing that keeps her coming back to the build site is the opportunity to meet many people. She said it’s always fun to come across new volunteers who think they won’t be very skilled, but then start using power tools.

“Yeah, it’s a power tool,” she tells them, “but so is your food processor!”

Her ease and wisdom stems from her years of experience with Habitat for Humanity tucked securely under her tool belt.

We are extremely grateful for Mary’s dedication to our mission - and to the entire community. She also spends her time teaching English and making breakfast at a local homeless shelter. The community is a better place thanks to her compassionate work!

Click Here to find out more about becoming a Flatirons Habitat volunteer!

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Mailing Address:

Flatirons Habitat for Humanity

5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201

Boulder CO 80303



6650 W 120th Unit A-1

Broomfield, CO 80020

(303) 404-2008

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